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DSH DH2023 Conference Proceedings Call for Papers

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities will publish a supplementary issue of top papers from Digital Humanities 2023, the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, held in Graz, Austria. We invite submissions from anyone who presented at the meeting, including those who gave long and short papers, or who participated in panels and poster sessions.

Long articles of up to 6,000 words in length (notes & bibliography excluded) should take up theoretical issues in digital humanities or report on completed work, including at least preliminary evaluation of its results. While there is more room for shorter articles for description of work at earlier stages, we emphasize that short papers of no more than 2,000 words (notes & bibliography excluded) should make scholarly points and not merely report on DH project activities. Contributions based on posters presented at DH2023 are considered analogous to short papers. All submissions will be evaluated by at least two independent referees.

Submissions must be received by midnight GMT on  May 31st 2024.

Interested authors should:

  1. Contact Georg Vogeler ( as soon as possible to inform the editors of an intention to submit by April 1st, 2024.
  2. Prepare manuscripts using the DSH guidelines, available at 
  3. Submit manuscripts directly to the DSH submission site at by May 31st 2024. Please make clear in your cover letter and in step 5 of the online submission procedure that it is for the ‘DH2023 issue’. Instructions for online submission can be found here: 

The submission to DSH should be as closely connected to your contribution to DH2023 as possible; while the paper title may be refined, it must be clear that this submission represents your presentation at the DH2023 conference in substantial ways. Likewise, while not all of the authors who were named presenters on the conference submission need to participate in the paper that you submit to this conference proceeding issue, not more than one additional author may be added.

We emphasize that it is the author’s responsibility to see that DSH’s formal guidelines are met, including the proofreading by a native speaker of English. All content from this special issue will be released freely accessible to all by Oxford Journals thanks to a generous grant of ADHO. Authors retain their copyright, may make pre-prints available without restriction, and may share post-prints after a 24-month embargo. Please refer to  for an outline of the Journal’s Self Archiving Policy.

Proceeds from DSH are the primary means of support for the ADHO  constituent organizations (EADH, ACH, CSDH-SCHN, centerNet, aaDH, JADH, Humanistica, DHASA, TADH, RedHD, DHd, DHARTI, and KADH) and their various open-access journals and publications.

Guest editors for this special issue are: 

Melanie Conroy, Diane Jakacki, Anne Ladyem McDivitt, Miriam Peña, Nadezhda Povroznik, Christof Schöch, Megan Senseney, Michael Sinatra, Georg Vogeler, and Edward Vanhoutte.