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Call for Proposals: ACH Microgrants

The Executive Council of the Association for Computers and the Humanities is delighted to announce its second round of Microgrants.

We invite proposals that will advance the goals and mission of the ACH, to support computer-assisted research, teaching, and software and content development in humanistic disciplines. Projects should be modest and designed to be accomplished within roughly six months. Examples of possible projects, meant to inspire rather than limit:
        • a mobile app for the DH conference
        • a framework for sharing DH syllabi
        • enhancements to DH Questions & Answers
        • initiatives that enhance the redesigned ACH Website
        • activities that add functionality/features to the online journal Digital Humanities Quarterly
        • new content, such as podcasts
        • making old content, such as DHQ content or ACH-related history, accessible in new forms or amenable to visualization or analytics.
Proposals may be for projects in a range of forms including, but not limited to, apps, plugins, and tools. ACH is particularly interested in proposals that focus on enhanced communications with ACH members and our mentoring and advocacy initiatives. Proposals should seek to draw in the community, expand the existing community, or link to other initiatives. Graduate students and early stage researchers are encouraged to apply.

Last year’s microgrant projects can be found here: Quinn Dombrowski’s project is on hold pending changes to DH Questions and Answers. Amanda Visconti’s visualizations of DHQ content can be found here: The DH jobs list created by Matt Burton and Dave Lester is here:

The full text of the call is here:

Please send proposals or queries to by 15 April 2013.