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Update on Proposed ADHO SIGs

We’re delighted by the strong response to ADHO’s recent invitation for members to propose new Special Interest Groups (SIGs). At the SIG Slam, part of ADHO’s Annual General Meeting during Digital Humanities 2013, nine groups were proposed.

If you’re interested in participating or would like more information about a SIG, please contact its organizer(s):

  • Textual Scholarship. Contact: Barbara Bordalejo, b [dot] bordalejo [at] bham [dot]  ac [dot] uk, @textualscholar
  • Libraries and Digital Humanities The ADHO Libraries and DH SIG aims to foster collaboration and communication among librarians and others doing digital humanities work. Contacts: Zoe Borovsky (UCLA Glen Worthey (Stanford Sarah Potvin (Texas A&M Angela Courtney (IU Bloomington)
  • Linked Open Data (LOD) The Mission of the ADHO Linked Open Data (LOD) SIG is to bridge between the DH community and the semantic web community of practice, encouraging and facilitating the interconnection and interoperability of open online Humanities resources, by raising awareness of new developments (both content and technology) and discussing and developing best practices. Contact: Leif Isaksen: leifuss [at] googlemail [dot] com
  • DH @ the Liberal Arts College Contact: Adeline Koh, @adelinekoh
  • Biomedicine and the Digital Humanities This proposal is intended to continue the dialogue begun at the symposium ‘Shared Horizons: Data, Biomedicine and the Digital Humanities’ organised by MITH, NEH, NLM and RCUK, 9-11 April 2013: Contact: Andrew Prescott, King’s College London: @ajprescott
  • Postcolonial Digital Humanities Contact: Roopika Risam, rrisam [at] emory [dot] edu, @roopikarisam
  • GeoHumanities: GeoHumanities is the tentative name of a proposed new ADHO SIG devoted to representations and analysis of space, place and time. Its goals will be to 1) pool knowledge of and best practices for relevant existing digital tools and methods, and 2) actively foster the collaborative development of new tools, common resources, and extensions to existing geospatial software to meet the particular needs of humanist scholarship. Our formal proposal is in development now, and we welcome comments and suggestions. Contacts:  Karl Grossner (karlg [at] stanford [dot] edu Kathy Weimer (k-weimer [at] library [dot] tamu [dot] edu)
  • Universal Design and/in Digital Environments Contact: George H. Williams, @GeorgeOnline
  • Social Justice and Human Rights SIG Aims to (among other things):
    • Facilitate a working document—open and collaboratively composed by the DH community—advising practitioners about how to best consider social justice and human rights issues when building projects, gathering data, and organizing events, social groups, and institutes.
    • Hold a gathering on the topic of digital humanities, social justice, and human rights.
      Current working group members: Ben Miller, Aimee Morrison, Lisa Nakamura, Angel Nieves, Jentery Sayers, Jacqueline Wernimont
      To join the working group and/or ask questions, please email: socialjusticeDH [at] gmail [dot] com

For more information about forming an ADHO SIG, please see the Protocol for ADHO Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the sample proposal from GO::DH, ADHO’s first SIG.