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ADHO Announces Low-Cost Membership Rate

In an effort to make membership more widely affordable, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) will now offer low-cost membership for students, early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars, beginning in 2013. This is a joint membership to ALLC-EADH, ACH, CSDH/SCHN, aaDH and JADH. Those who join under this program will not receive a subscription to LLC: the journal of digital scholarship in the humanities, published by ADHO. ADHO's membership-only fees will be set at $25, £14 and €20.  

Benefits of membership in ADHO and its constituent organizations include reduced registration fees at ADHO-sponsored conferences, such as the annual Digital Humanities (DH) conference; eligibility for young-scholar bursaries at the annual DH conference and other events; support for ADHO publications, including Digital Studies/Le Champ Numerique, Digital Humanities Quarterly, and DH Answers