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Global Outlook::Digital Humanities Announces Essay Prize Winners

lt is with great pleasure that Global Outlook::Digital Humanities (GO::DH) announces the winners of its first DH essay prize. The competition, which was supported by funds awarded by the University of Lethbridge and an anonymous donor, attracted 53 entries in 7 languages. 

The first prize winners (in alphabetical order) are

  • Dacos, Marin (Open Edition, France). La stratégie du Sauna finlandais: Les frontières de Digital Humanities. Essai de Géographie politiqued’une communauté scientifique.
  • Gawne, Lauren (University of Melbourne, Australia). Language documentation and division: Bridging the digital divide.
  • Pue, A. Sean, Tracy K. Teal, and C. Titus Brown (Michigan State University, USA). Bioinformatic approaches to the computational analysis of Urdu poetic meter.
  • Raval, Noopur (Jawaharlal Nehru Univesity (JNU New Delhi, India). On Wikipedia and Failure: Notes from Queering the Encyclopedia.

Second prize winners (also in alphabetical order) are

  • Arauco Dextre, Renzo (Memoragram, Lima, Peru). Memogram, un Cloud-Service Para la Memoria Colectiva.
  • Carlson, Thomas A. (Princeton University, USA). Digital Maps are still not territory: Challenges raised by’s Middle Eastern places over two millenia.
  • Tomasini Maciel, Julia (University of Maryland, USA). Humanidades Digitales y traducción literaria: Latinoamérica entre el portugués y el español.
  • Portales Machado, Yasmín Silvia (Havana, Cuba). Perfil demográfico de la blogosfera hecha en Cuba en diciembre de 2012.
  • Tasovac, Toma and Natalia Ermolaev (Centre for Digital Humanities, Belgrade, Serbia). Interfacing diachrony: Rethinking lexical annotation in digital editions.

Honorable Mentions (in alphabetical order):

  • Arbuckle, Alyssa (University of Victoria, Canada). The risk of digital repatriation for indigenous groups.
  • Baryshev, Ruslan, Igor Kim, Inna Kizhner, Maxim Rumyantsev (Siberian Federal University, Russia). Digitial Humanities at Siberian Federal University.
  • Calbay, Francis Raymond (, Taipei, Taiwan). User-Generated vitriol: Ethnic stereotypes in online comments on media reports of a South China Sea shooting incident.
  • Farman, Jason (University of Maryland, USA). Mapping virtual communities: The production of crisis maps and cultural imaginaries of the Diaspora.
  • Finney, Tim (Vose Seminary, Australia). How to discover textual groups.
  • Ives, Maura and Amy Earhart (Texas A&M University, USA). Establishing a digital humanities center: Vision, reality, sustainability.
  • Kaltenbrunner, Wolfgang (Leiden University, The Netherlands). Transparency strategies in digital scholarship.
  • López Villaneuva, José Manuel (Mexico). Reflexiones sobre la RedHD en México: desarrollo y alcance de la RedHD en la comunidad académica universitaria.
  • Menon, Nirmala (Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India). Multilingual digital publishing: A postcolonial Digital Humanities imperative.
  • O’Sullivan, James (Ireland). The emergence of Digital Humanities in Ireland.
  • Ouellette, Jessica (University of Massachussetts, USA). Blogging borders: Transnational feminist rhetorics and global voices.
  • Perozo Olivares, Karla (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Venazuala). Una aproximación al desconocimiento de las masas digitales.
  • Riedel, Dagmar (Columbia University, USA). The digitization of books in Arabic script and the digital divide in Muslim societies.
  • Sandstedt, Jørgen (University of Iceland, University of Oslo, Iceland/Norway). Text-dependent automated methods in scribal hand identification.
  • Schmidt, Desmond (University of Queensland, Australia). Towards a model for the digital scholarly edition.

The committee thanks all authors for their submissions and their patience with the (longer-than-anticipated) adjudication process. The competition was extremely tight and the remaining submissions included many excellent papers that the referees singled out for special comment. 

Although this exhausts the current funding, it is hoped that GO::DH will be able to repeat this competition in future years. The organisers also thank the adjudication panel for their hard work and willingness to help out.