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ADHO Announces New SIG, Audiovisual Material in the Digital Humanities

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is pleased to announce the formation of the Special Interest Group for Audiovisual Material in the Digital Humanities (AVinDH).


While audiovisual material has played an important (yet secondary) role in DH scholarship for over a decade, an emerging wave of freely available digital content has made organizing around audiovisual material paramount. As an example of “big data”, Audiovisual materials will be discussed by the AVinDH group with a focus on research methods and infrastructural challenges to using audiovisual materials. The AVinDH interest group began their formal efforts with a workshop at DH2014 in Lausanne, Switzerland. They discussed how audiovisual materials create narratives and how the mediated form changes the texture of content. The SIG will now focus on bridging disciplinary divides to share expertise, audiovisual research methods, and tools.


More information on AVinDH is available here. To join their mailing list, visit here.