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Elena González-Blanco Awarded an European Research Council Starting Grant 2015

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations congratulates Elena González-Blanco for her appointment of an European Research Council Starting Grant 2015, Social Sciences & Humanities for the development of “POSTDATA: Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data”. The project, which will receive fundings for 1.131.413€ and will be carried out in the next five years, aims at bridging the digital gap among traditional cultural assets and the growing world of data, and is based on the application of semantic web technologies to link and publish poetic datasets in a structured way in the linked data cloud. The addition of a “semantic” layer of data to existing different databases and digital resources devoted to poetry will boost interoperability among them and will let scholars develop innovative comparative studies, which were not possible to carry out before. The symbiosis of these two worlds will be materialized in the construction of a virtual research environment to analyze, classify and publish digital editions of poems, first for Spanish, French and Italian corpora and open for new additions in a future stage.

Elena González-Blanco is a Faculty member of the Spanish Literature and Literary Theory Department at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED (Open University) of Spain in Madrid, Director of the Digital Humanities Lab at UNED: LINHD (Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales), and coordinator of the institutional UNED linked data project UNEDATA. She is member of the Executive Committee of EADH, member of Centernet International Executive Committee for DH centers, member of the Executive Committee of the ADHO Special Interest Group GO::DH, and the President of the Spanish Association for Digital Humanities: HDH (Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas, Sociedad Internacional).

More information about Elena González-Blanco can be found on her institutional webpage as well as on her blog.