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Registration for DH2017

Registration is now open for the DH2017 conference at McGill University, Montréal, Quebec from 8-11 August 2017. Details below, and on the DH2017 site.


Registration for DH2017 is now open via conftool. Early registration fees are available until June 7th. Registration will close on August 1st. Fees for workshops can be paid at the same time. (Participants in workshops must be registered for the conference.) 

This year’s rates are as follows:

  • Non ADHO Member (early bird rate US$300 / standard rate US$400): If you wish to benefit from the member discount, please see membership options (as low as US$40).

  • Regular ADHO Member (early bird rate US$200 / standard rate US$300): Please provide your ADHO/OUP membership number. If you are not yet a member and wish to benefit from the member discount, please see membership options (as low as US$40).

  • Student (early bird rate US$50 / standard rate US$75): In the registration box, please provide your institution, department and degree names.

  • Virtual Stream Participant (early bird rate US$50 / standard rate US$75): Please contact Program Chair for more information.


Delegates can sign up for the banquet (scheduled for Friday 11 August @ Club St. James for US$75) when they register. Please note that places are limited.