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Welcome 2021 Communications Fellows

We are thrilled to welcome Erdal Ayan and Anna Sofia Lippolis as ADHO's 2021 Communications Fellows:

Erdal Ayan is currently a PhD candidate in the department of English and American Studies at University of Kassel and a part-time master student in the Web Science Master Program at TH-Koeln. He is holding two bachelors (English Language and Literature and Sociology) and two masters degrees (English Language Teaching (ELT) & Computer Education and Instructional Technologies). He has got a broad research interest and/but his main focus is on data/text mining, sentiment analysis (opinion mining topic modeling, network analysis (community detection web development. He worked as teacher and lecturer for English before moving to Germany in 2017. He completed his voluntary internship in the Computing Centre at Philipps University Marburg between 2018 and 2019. Mr. Ayan worked as an academic assistant at Herder Institute from 2017 to 2020. He was part of REDE Project as an IT staff in Sprachatlas at Philipps University Marburg until June, 2021. He is the founder of Digital Humanities Turkey.

Anna Sofia Lippolis is a Research Fellow at Italy’s National Research Council (CNR)’s Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC). After her BA in Philosophy, she received her MA in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the University of Bologna with a project on the quantitative analysis and visualization of authorial corrections. Her interests include cultural analytics, quantitative approaches in literature studies and semantic technologies. Before joining ADHO communications team, she took part in organising two conference cycles about the present and future of Digital Humanities, 'Digital WHOmanities'.

From June-December 2021, Anna and Erdal will be working with ADHO's Communications Officer (Hannah Jacobs) to manage ADHO's website content and social media accounts and will contribute their expertise in digital humanities and communications to several ongoing and new initiatives.