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COB Changes for 2020-2021

ADHO Leadership for 2020-2021

ADHO operates on the reliance of its volunteers. We are particularly grateful for the Constituent Organizations (COs) that form ADHO and who make it a diverse and engaging organization. Each of these entities has a representative on the ADHO Constituent Organization Board (COB which makes decisions for the organization, and we would like to thank the outgoing representatives for each of these organizations and welcome our new incoming and remaining members for what is sure to be a challenging year:

COB Representatives

aaDH-Paul Millar will continue as the representative for the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities. Millar is Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the College of Arts, Head of the School of Humanities and Creative Arts, and Professor of English at the University of Canterbury.

ACH-Kathleen Fitzpatrick will replace Matthew Gold as representative for the Association for Computers and the Humanities. Fitzpatrick is Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University. 

centerNet-Claude Willan will replace Laura Mandell as the representative for centerNet. In addition, he will serve as Secretary of the COB for the 2020-2021 calendar year. Willan is Director of Digital Humanities Services in the University of Houston Libraries and Lecturer in the Department of English. 

CSDH/SCHN-Susan Brown will continue to serve as representative for Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Societé Canadienne des humanités numérique. Brown is Professor of English at the University of Guelph, where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Collaborative Digital Scholarship and is a Visiting Professor in English and Humanities Computing at the University of Alberta.

DHASA-Menno Van Zaanen will continue as representative for the Digital Humanities Asso- ciation of South Africa. He is currently Professor of Digital Humanities at the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources.

EADH-Elisabeth Burr will serve as President of the COB for the 2020-2021 academic year along with continuing her role as representative for the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH). Burr is Professor Emerita of French, Francophone, and Italian Linguistics at Univerisität Leipzig.

Humanistica-Aurélien Berra will replace Martin Grandjean as representative for Humanistica. Berra is Assistant Professor at Paris-Ouest University (Department of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures where he teaches Rhetoric, Ancient Greek literature, and Digital Humanities.

JADHKiyonori Nagasaki will continue to represent the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities. Nagasaki is a senior fellow in the International Institute for Digital Humanities (DHII) in Tokyo and associate project professor in the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies at 東京大学 (the University of Tokyo).

RedHD-Isabel Galina will serve as President-Elect of the COB for the 2020-2021 academic year. In addition, she will continue her role as representative for the Red de Humanidades Digitales. Galina is currently a researcher at the Institute for Bibliographic Studies at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She is also an honorary lecturer in the Department of Information Studies at University College London.

TADH-Chao-Lin Liu will continue as representative for the Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities. Liu is Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at 國立政治大學  (National Chengchi University).

Other ADHO Role Changes

In addition, ADHO has numerous changes to its committees and Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

Berenike Herrmann will serve as the liaison for ADHO’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Herrmann is Postdoc Research Associate at the DHLab at the University of Basel (Switzerland).

Cecily Raynor will replace Maurizio Lana as Chair of the Multilingualism/Multiculturalism Committee. Raynor is an Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies and Digital Humanities at McGill University.

Martin Grandjean and Paul Arthur will replace Harold Short as Co-Chairs of the Admissions Committee. Grandjean is a Junior Lecturer at the Université de Lausanne. Arthur is Chair in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences as well as Director of the Edith Cowan Centre for Global Issues at Australia University.