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Roberto Busa Prize Protocol

Overview | Recipients | Protocol

Citation and Certificate of Award

The Chair of the ADHO Standing Committee on Awards (SCA) is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate Citation and Certificate of Award are prepared for presentation at the Conference at which the Prize is awarded.


ADHO is responsible for financing the award. The financial responsibilities include:

  • the prize money of ca. 1500 GBP
  • the travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs of the award recipient.

Local arrangements

The Local Organizer of the Digital Humanities conference at which the award is to be made will be expected to waive the conference registration fee of the award recipient, and to give the award recipient and her/his partner or spouse full status as conference participants. The SCA and Local Organizer are expected to make appropriate social arrangements for the award recipient and her/his partner or spouse, including a dinner following the award lecture. The costs of the dinner will be paid by ADHO, but the arrangements, including costs, must be approved in advance by the SCA Chair.


The award is given triennially. The normal schedule for making the award is as follows:

  • In the year of an award, the nomination process for the following award will begin, with an announcement at the annual Digital Humanities conference at which the award is made. Over the following twelve months, the SCA will take steps to ensure that nominations are solicited in an appropriate manner.
  • In the second year after the award lecture, the SCA will review the nominations and will make its decision. The recipient will be notified and the name will be announced at the Digital Humanities conference of that year (Award year + 2).
  • In the third year, the SCA will work with the Local Organizers of the following year’s Digital Humanities conference to ensure that all the appropriate arrangements are in place for the presentation of the award and the lecture by the recipient.

The annual report of the SCA Chair to the Constituent Organization Board will include details of the progress of the award process.


The recipient is chosen by the ADHO Standing Committee on Awards (SCA). The SCA is responsible for establishing the procedures for deciding on the Award, including procedures for soliciting and receiving nominations, reviewing the nominees’ work, selecting the recipient, and writing a citation describing the achievements in recognition of which the award is given. The agreed procedures will be notified in writing to the Constituent Organization Board and to the executive committees of the ADHO Constituent Organizations. They will also be published on the ADHO website, and on the websites of the Constituent Organizations, should they so wish.


This protocol, with revisions incorporated above, was adopted by ADHO Steering Committee (now the Constituent Organization Board), 23/25 June 2008, and ratified by the ACH Council and the ALLC Committee on 24 June 2008. — Main. HaroldShort – 15 Jun 2009


The recipient will receive prize money of approximately 1500 GBP (one thousand five hundred GB pounds), or a round number of about the same value in the currency in which the prize is to be awarded. The recipient is expected to give a public lecture, on a topic of his or her choice, at the annual international Digital Humanities conference at which the award is presented. This lecture will normally be one of the keynote or plenary lectures of the conference. The ADHO Standing Committee on Awards (SCA) will take steps to see that the lecture is published in some appropriate way, e.g. in one of the official ADHO journals. The SCA will liaise with the Local Organizer of the conference to ensure appropriate local and national publicity for the award and the lecture, e.g. a press release, press invitations, interviews and so on. Consideration should also be given to recording and podcasting the lecture. The recipient will be a guest of honour of ADHO and the Local Organizers at the conference at which the award is made and the lecture given. All travel, accommodation and subsistence costs of the award recipient will be paid by ADHO.