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The Only Constant is Change: Current and Upcoming Modifications to ADHO’s Digital Humanities Conference

As we eagerly anticipate the opening of ADHO’s first in-person conference since 2019, we are also looking forward to the first opportunity since then for live conversations about the future of the conference. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about the largest… Leggi tutto »The Only Constant is Change: Current and Upcoming Modifications to ADHO’s Digital Humanities Conference

Call for Hosts, DH2025

The Conference Coordinating Committee of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites proposals to host the Digital Humanities Conference in 2025. Digital Humanities (DH) is ADHO’s annual international conference. ADHO’s constituent organizations are the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities… Leggi tutto »Call for Hosts, DH2025

Deadline Extended for DH2023

Via DH2023: The deadline for submissions to the ADHO DH2023 conference has been extended to November 4, 2022. There has also been a correction regarding the CfP wording for pre-conference workshop submissions (“2 hours or 4 hours” was replaced with… Leggi tutto »Deadline Extended for DH2023