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Announcing DH2017 Keynotes

The Program Committee are delighted to have Kim Christen and Marin Dacos as keynote speakers for DH2017. They have been invited as internationally renowned scholars working on issues of access (the conference theme). In addition, the 2017 Antonio Zampolli Prize will be awarded to the Textual Encoding Initiative (TEI) community, and there will be a keynote lecture with three foundational figures in the history of the TEI: Nancy Ide, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, and Lou Burnard. Titles, locations and times will be added as they become available.


Kim Christen is an Associate Professor and Director of the Digital Technology and Culture program, Director of Digital Projects at the Plateau Center, Native American Programs and the co-Director of the Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation at Washington State University. Her work explores the intersections of cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, the ethics of openness, and the use of digital technologies in and by Indigenous communities globally. She directs several digital humanities projects including: the Plateau Peoples’ Web Portal, a collaboratively curated site of Plateau cultural materials; Mukurtu CMS, a free and open source content management system and community digital archive platform designed to meet the curatorial and archival needs of indigenous communities to manage and share materials using local cultural protocols; and the Sustainable Heritage Network, an online community of people dedicated to making the preservation and digitization of cultural heritage materials sustainable, simple and secure. Kim Christen is also the co-Director of Local Contexts, an educational platform for an innovative set of traditional knowledge licenses and labels.


Marin Dacos is the director of the Center for open electronic publishing (Cléo) which develops OpenEdition, a portal dedicated to digital publications in human and social sciences (HSS). He created, a platform dedicated to journals (1999 then Calenda, a platform dedicated to events in HSS (2000). He then co-created Hypotheses, a major academic blogging platform (2008) and OpenEdition Books (2013).  Since 2007 Marin Dacos is an engineer at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). He is convinced that research should not be separated from society and is looking for long-term solutions to make open access sustainable. Dacos is involved in several national (French European or international programmes dedicated to digital humanities and digital publishing.


The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) community is the winner of the triennial Antonio Zampolli Prize for a singular project or accomplishment. The TEI is a consortium which collectively develops and maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form. Its chief deliverable is a set of Guidelines which specify encoding methods for machine-readable texts, chiefly in the humanities, social sciences and linguistics. Since 1994, the TEI Guidelines have been widely used by libraries, museums, publishers, and individual scholars to present texts for online research, teaching, and preservation. In addition to the Guidelines themselves, the Consortium provides a variety of resources and training events for learning TEI, information on projects using the TEI, a bibliography of TEI-related publications, and software developed for or adapted to the TEI. The Zampolli lecture will be delivered by three foundational figures in the 30-year history of the TEI: Nancy Ide, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, and Lou Burnard.