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New ADHO Governance and Leadership

At the close of the DH2019 conference in Utrecht, ADHO implemented a number of governance changes. The organization’s governing body had been a Steering Committee, which was comprised of voting representatives from each of the Constituent Organizations (COs as well as ADHO Officers and the chairs of various committees. 

The new governance structure is bipartite with a Constituent Organization Board (COB) and an Executive Board:

  • The COB is comprised of one representative from each of the COs, and its role is to establish vision, strategy, and policy for ADHO. The COB is led by a President and President-Elect, who are selected from the members of the COB.
  • The Executive Board (EB) is appointed by the COB, and its role is to enact the decisions made by the COB. The EB consists of a Chair, a Chair-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

These changes come following years of discussion at all levels of ADHO about how to restructure ADHO to allow it to grow and most effectively serve the needs of COs around the world. Of particular import was the work of the ad-hoc Implementation Committee (Geoffrey Rockwell, Melissa Terras, Christian-Emil Smith Ore, and Jennifer Guiliano which was shared on for public comments during winter and spring 2018. 

For 2019-2020, COB members include Paul Millar (aaDH Matthew Gold (ACH Susan Brown (CSDH/SCHN Laura Mandell (centerNet Juan Steyn (DHASA Elisabeth Burr (EADH Martin Grandjean (Humanistica Kiyonori Nagasaki (JADH Isabel Galina (RedHD and Chao-Lin Liu (TADH). Matthew Gold and Elisabeth Burr have been appointed to one-year terms as President and President-Elect, respectively.

The COB appointed the EB at its first meeting in Utrecht. Leif Isaksen and Glen Worthey have been appointed to two-year terms as Chair and Chair-Elect, respectively. Brian Croxall and Sara Sikes have been appointed to one-year terms as Secretary and Treasurer, continuing their ADHO service of the last two years.

On behalf of the COs of which it is comprised, ADHO expresses appreciation to all of those who have helped grow and support digital research and teaching across all arts and humanities disciplines. We especially thank Karina van Dalen-Oskam and Maciej Eder, who have completed several years of work as Chair of the Steering Committee and as ADHO Secretary, respectively, and were instrumental in bringing about the new governance structure.