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Call for Bursaries: DH2025 

To encourage new contributions to scholarship in the digital humanities, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) offers travel bursaries to students and early career scholars whose submissions have been accepted for presentation at DH2025. 

If you want to be considered for ADHO’s Conference Bursary Awards for DH2025, please complete and submit this form by April 14, 2025. You will also need to upload a one-page CV along with your accepted submission. Note that in order to open and complete the application form, you must be logged into a Google account.

For more information about the award and terms, please visit the information page or contact Natasa Thoudam (nthoudam{at}iitj{dot}ac{dot}in), Keli Du (duk{at}uni-trier{dot}de), and Stefano Morella (veritas44{at}gmail{dot}com)