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ADHO Communications Fellowship Program Completes Successful First Year

The Alliance for Digital Humanities Organization just completed a successful inaugural year of its Communications Fellowship program. Each year, two early career scholars are selected through a competitive process to work with the ADHO communication’s committee on news releases, blog posts, and announcements for ADHO and its constituent organizations. The program’s first cohort served for the 2014-2015 academic year, providing support and ingenuity in furthering ADHO’s outreach mission and inventing the roles that communications fellows will play in the DH community. As outgoing ADHO Communications Chair Lisa Spiro noted, “The ADHO Communications Fellows have excelled at building ADHO’s social media profile, sharing information about the digital humanities community, and coming up with outreach and communications strategies. ADHO is grateful for all of their contributions.”

Hannah Jacobs, 2014-2015 Communications Fellow, will serve as the new chair of the ADHO Communications Committee, working with the incoming Communications Fellows.

2014-2015 Fellows
Hannah Jacobs is the Multimedia Analyst for the Wired! Lab for digital art history & visual culture in the Art, Art History & Visual Studies department at Duke University. In the Wired! Lab she teaches 3D modeling, digital mapping, and web content management, and she consults on faculty and student research projects. She holds a MA in Digital Humanities from King’s College London and a BA in English/Theatre from Warren Wilson College. Her academic interests include late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century women’s writing and women’s movements and relationships between texts and imagery in visualizations.

Jesica Jayd Lewis is a recent graduate of North Carolina State University’s MA program in Ancient History. She currently works as an independent researcher, continuing her master’s thesis research on pre-Roman and Roman period society in the island of Crete. She also serves as Managing Editor of Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies, a publication of the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies at North Carolina State University (lebanesestudies.ncsu.edu/). She is a host and producer of an upcoming podcast about history and archaeology called ArchaeoCast (archaeocast.com). Follow her on Twitter @JesicaJaydLewis or visit jjhlewis.me.

2015-2016 Fellows

Candice Lanius is a Doctoral Student in the Dept. of Communication and Media at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Her research interests are in big social data analytics and how data scientists gather insight from found data resources. She has worked with the Research Data Alliance as a research resident and looks forward to bringing that experience to the ADHO’s mission. She can be found on Twitter at @Misclanius, and her personal site is  https://clanius.wordpress.com.

Pietro Santachiara received his MS in Communication, Technology-Enhanced Communication for Cultural Heritage from University of Lugano (Switzerland). He has worked on digital initiatives and handheld multimedia tours at the J. Paul Getty Museum and SFMOMA, and has performed freelance work for both cultural and commercial European organizations, ranging from IxD, IA and digital communication strategies. He can be found on Twitter @pietrosan.