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We are thrilled to announce that the Digital Humanities Alliance for Research and Teaching Innovations (DHARTI) of India and the Korean Association for Digital Humanities / 한국디지털인문학협의회 (KADH) have joined ADHO as our newest Constituent Organisations. ADHO’s Constituent Organisations Board… Weiterlesen »DHARTI & KADH Join ADHO!

The Only Constant is Change: Current and Upcoming Modifications to ADHO’s Digital Humanities Conference

As we eagerly anticipate the opening of ADHO’s first in-person conference since 2019, we are also looking forward to the first opportunity since then for live conversations about the future of the conference. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about the largest… Weiterlesen »The Only Constant is Change: Current and Upcoming Modifications to ADHO’s Digital Humanities Conference


English | Español | Italiano | Türkçe 数字人文组织联盟的 交叉性融合工作组(最初是反种族主义工作组)的出现,是为了解决​​数字人文组织联盟内部以及与其活动相关的更广泛的数字人文社区的系统性不平等问题。* 这些问题包括但不限于种族、阶级、性别、健全、种姓、部落、性取向、国籍、地理位置、宗教、健康、语言或其他社会类别。它们往往因当前全球背景下无限制的技术实证主义而变得更加严重。特别工作组延伸和扩大了由 „黑人的命也是命“、“结构性种族主义 „和 „建制暴力 „声明发起的对话,并试图承认、倾听和理解那些被边缘化的人、组织和社区的(声音。工作组的成员代表了来自不同地点和实践社区的数字人文学科。工作组成员的生活经历和立场截然不同但又相辅相成,这促使我们在数字媒介空间内外倡导一种自我反思和批判性的公平、多样性和包容原则、反歧视和社会正义事业。 交叉性融合工作组的目标包括: 了解更多关于交叉性融合工作组的信息。 我们正在征求全球数字人文社区的意见。问题、评论和想法可以发到 edi@adho.org。 __________  *数字人文组织联盟的主要活动是举办国际DH会议,赞助期刊,并提供奖励和助学金

English at DH2023

From the DH2023 website: Dear Global DH community, When the University of Graz applied to host the conference in 2019, we already committed to an English language conference despite being German native speakers ourselves. Our decision was thoroughly discussed with… Weiterlesen »English at DH2023