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Updates from centerNet

centerNet’s nominations committee prepared a balanced ballot based on geography, gender and language for the centerNetInternational Executive Council elections, currently in process.  The Nominations committee members were Jean Bauer (Chair, Princeton Claire Clivaz (UNIL Charles Muller (U of Tokyo Walter Scholger (Graz) and Paul Spence (KCL).


centerNet’s website has been recreated in Drupal, with many thanks to Quinn Dombrowski (UC-Berkeley—special appreciation! David Rettenmaier (MITH Jean Bauer (Princeton) and Karin Dalziel (Nebraska).   Other content and functionality will be added in coming months.   The new URL is  http://www.dhcenternet.org/


In September, Bruce Janz (U of Central Florida Brian Rosenblum (Kansas U) and Dean Rehberger (Michigan State) met with Iryna Kuchma of eIFL (http://www.eifl.net/) of Addis Ababa and Neil to discuss DH workshops in Africa and possible co-sponsorship.


At DH2015, centerNet and the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) provided joint funds to assist 10 graduate students  to attend a New Scholars Seminar (NSS a one-day event immediately preceding DH 2015 at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) in Sydney, Australia next July. It is designed to help new scholars affiliated with CHCI centres develop a shared vision of the next generation of digital humanities research and encourage the networked research collaborations that will help bring that vision about.  Geoffrey Rockwell (Alberta) has worked with Paul Arthur (UWS) and with CHCI to make this possible.


At DH 2015, the centerNet meeting will take place from 9am-3pm on Monday 29 June, in EA building room EA 2.02. This is a room on the top floor of the main building where the parallel conference sessions will be held.  Then at 6:30 p.m. at Bar 30 at the Park Royal Hotel, we have the centerNet centre directors’ drinks, co-sponsored by the Australasian Consortium for Humanities Research Centres (AHCRC).