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Welcome to DH 2015 Message from ADHO Chair John Nerbonne

Welcome to DH 2015!  

It’s a pleasure and an honor to welcome you to Digital Humanities 2015 on behalf of the alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) and its steering committee.  This is our first conference in Australia and, in fact our first outside Europe or North America, and it is exciting to see you all here in such impressive numbers!  We are very grateful to our hosts, the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) and the University of Western Sydney, for so graciously receiving us here in beautiful Parramatta, a fantastic backdrop for what promises to be an exciting five days.  Our special thanks go to local organizer Paul Arthur of the aaDH, and his assistant, Jason Ensor, who’ve been positively solicitous about the needs and wishes of all the conference participants.  

This the tenth ADHO conference bearing the name “Digital Humanities” (the first was in 2006 at Sorbonne in Paris); earlier it was the joint conference of the two founding ADHO organizations, and it is incidentally the thirtieth year of publication of the ADHO flagship journal, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.  

What the heck is ADHO, anyway?  And what else does it do?  Come to the general meeting at the Friday lunch time and find out!  There will be an open floor for questions.

John Nerbonne,

Chair, ADHO Steering Committee