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ADHO Calls for Proposals for New Special Interest Groups

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites its members to propose a Special Interest Group (SIG). By forming a SIG, those with similar professional specialties, interests, and aptitudes can exchange ideas, stay current, and mobilize to pursue common goals across the boundaries of ADHO’s individual Constituent Organizations. For example, ADHO’s first SIG, Global Outlook:: Digital Humanities (GO::DH aims to reduce barriers to communication and collaboration “among researchers and students of the Digital Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage sectors in High, Mid, and Low Income Economies” by promoting discovery, community-building, research, and advocacy.

To propose a SIG, an elected or appointed contact person should submit a description of the group to ADHO’s Chair, currently Neil Fraistat. Please see the protocol for directions about the SIG proposal and for further information. You may consult the GO::DH proposal as an example of a successful proposal.