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Summary of ADHO’s Steering Committee Meeting and Activities

ADHO Chair Neil Fraistat offered the following summary of ADHO’s Steering Committee meeting at DH 2013 and activities over the past year:

At its annual steering committee meeting held in conjunction with the Digital Humanities 2013 conference, ADHO made several key decisions and moved forward on promising initiatives. These include:

  • deciding that the Digital Humanities 2015 conference will be held in Sydney, Australia

  • establishing a new inclusivity working group led by Bethany Nowviskie

  • welcoming the Japanese Association of Digital Humanities as a full voting member of ADHO

  • agreeing to establish an award in memory of Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen

  • appointing Jarom McDonald as ADHO’s deputy treasurer

  • launching an ad hoc committee on training led by Ray Siemens

  • convening a working group on fundraising coordinated by Kay Walter


ADHO also reflected on significant developments over the past year. We cut our membership rates for students, seniors and early independent scholars to $25. Under the leadership of Program Chair Bethany Nowviskie, the Digital Humanities 2013 Program Committee made several important reforms, including improving the guidelines for authors and reviewers, allowing reviewers to bid on papers they would like to read, enabling authors to respond to reviews and reviewers to see each others’ reviews after they have been first submitted, collecting information about reviewers’ competencies in languages other than English, and removing unnecessary scoring categories.


Over the past year, ADHO has experienced steady growth, both in the number of constituent organizations (now at 6 and in memberships to ADHO or its constituent organizations (now at 583, an increase of 63 over this time last year). ADHO publications continue to make significant contributions. In 2012, individual subscriptions to LLC increased by 66% compared to 2011. In collaboration with LLC, DHQ published two joint publications: a cluster of oral histories and an annotated bibliography. Humanist now has over 2200 members, while Digital Humanities Questions and Answers claims around 1400 registered users. Digital Studies/Le champ numérique plans to implement several changes, including publishing articles on a rolling release schedule and including the names of recommending referees and accepting editors on the colophon of each article. And I’m delighted to report that as part of its support of young scholars, ADHO offered bursaries to 14 students to attend the 2013 conference. We would like to thank Patrick Juola for donating to ADHO’s student bursaries program, funding two people to attend the Digital Humanities 2013 conference. In addition, we offered a bursary in recognition of Ray Siemens‘ distinguished service as chair of ADHO’s Steering Committee.


For a description of ADHO’s financial status, please see Paul Spence’s Treasurer’s Report.


See also ADHO Chair Neil Fraistat’s welcome speech at the Digital Humanities 2013 conference.



Rev. 7/23/13: Added link to Fraistat speech.