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ADHO Announces a New Conference Code of Conduct

To encourage a welcoming, inclusive climate for participants at its annual Digital Humanities conference, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) has released a new code of conduct, available at http://adho.org/administration/conference-coordinating-program-committee/adho-conference-code-conduct. This code of conduct lays out broad principles to foster a safe, welcoming conference environment that respects personal, cultural, and linguistic differences. Neil Fraistat, Chair of ADHO’s Steering Committee, remarks: “In issuing a code of conduct for its principal conference, ADHO joins other organizations such as code4lib, the American Library Association, the Digital Library Federation, and the Association for Computing Machinery. We are especially grateful to Bethany Nowviskie, who has been guiding our Inclusivity Initiative, for her leadership in producing the conference code.”