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Call for applications: ADHO Webmaster

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) seeks a webmaster whose primary responsibility will be maintaining and developing ADHO's content management systems. Tasks will include making necessary updates to and backups of ADHO's website; managing multilevel authorizations and potential security issues; making recommendations for improvements in the site's design and functionality; troubleshooting site issues and implementing fixes as needed; and working with the Communications and Multilingual Multicultural Committees to make the association's website a multilingual resource. The webmaster will work closely with ADHO's systems administrator and the Chairs of the Communications, Infrastructure, and Multilingual Multicultural Committees.


A prospective webmaster will have a  strong knowledge of and demonstrable experience in the development of both Drupal and WordPress websites.


Please note that this is a volunteer position. However, the webmaster will receive as compensation expenses paid (up to €1.200) for attendance at the annual Digital Humanities conference.


To apply, submit a CV/resume and a cover letter describing your interest in the position and your expertise in Drupal and WordPress development to Hannah Jacobs, chair of ADHO’s Communications Committee: HannahLJ[at]gmail.com.