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Open Education – Open Resources: #dariahTeach event, 22-24 March in Lausanne, Calls for Grants and Papers

UPDATE 12 November 2016: Deadlines for both events have been extended until 25 November 2016

The Open Education – Open Resources: events will take place at the University of Lausanne, in Lausanne, Switzerland from 22-24 March, 2017 and calls for grants and papers are now open.


The conference consists of two events, the Open Education workshop held 22-23 March. This workshop is by invitation only, with six grants available for junior scholars. Further information and application details are available on the #dariahTeach website. This workshop will be followed by the Open Resources closing conference, the culminating event in the #dariahTeach project, to be held 23-24 March, 2017. The call for papers is available at the DARIAH.eu website.


Both of these events are endorsed by ADHO.