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ADHO Seeks Nominations for Chair of Infrastructure Committee

The Alliance of Digital Humanities (ADHO) is looking to appoint a chair of its Infrastructure Committee (ISC) for a three-year term. The ISC is responsible for creating and maintaining the shared infrastructure that ADHO and its Constituent Organizations use. 

If you or someone you know would be perfect for this role, you are kindly invited to make a nomination – preferably having already asked permission from the person you have in mind. Please send your nomination to web@digitalhumanities.org, stating your organization membership, and your nomination will be forwarded to the relevant Constituent Organization. Self-nominations are welcome.

The deadline for stating your interest or for nominating someone else is 2 July 2019. A short summary of your expertise and a brief statement of your motivation will be helpful as well. The Steering Committee will gather all nominations for discussion and selection (by vote) during its annual meeting on Tuesday, 9 July 2019.

Term: 3 years, from July 2019 until the DH Conference in 2022


  • Help ADHO and CO administrators maintain and update the services they are responsible for
  • Help develop infrastructure in line with ADHO’s and its Constituent Organizations‘ evolving requirements
  • Supervise the ADHO Systems Administrator who…
    • Monitors server hardware
    • Monitors, maintains, and updates software running on ADHO’s servers
    • Maintains regular backups of all services and, if necessary, recovers lost services
    • Maintains and works to improve the security, stability, and performance of all services
    • Troubleshoots when issues arise (e.g. login issues, downtime)
  • Act as a liaison between the Constituent Organization Board, Executive Board, and the Systems Administrator, in terms of the infrastructure matters
  • To report regularly to the ADHO Constituent Organization Board