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A new Admissions Protocol for ADHO

by Paul Arthur & Martin Grandjean, Admissions Committee Co-Chairs

An updated protocol

We are pleased to inform you that ADHO now has a new admissions protocol. This document establishes the procedure for the admission of new organizations to the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. 

The update of this document was made mandatory by the change in governance of ADHO, initiated several years ago. These structural changes (see details on governance here) have an impact on the admission of new Constituent Organizations (COs). 

This new document, which synthesizes the previous documents while taking into account the new situation, does not change the fundamental principles: ADHO is still composed of COs that are represented on the Constituent Organizations Board. It does, however, revive a status that, although existing, had been little used in the past: the Affiliated Organization (AfO) status.

Constituent and Affiliated Organizations

As stated in the protocol, a Constituent Organization is « a core association within ADHO that represents a large-scale, recognized, and coordinated digital humanities community ». But there are organizations that do not meet this definition, or that wish to have a less formal relationship with ADHO. That’s why we draw your attention to the Affiliated Organization status, which allows associations with a more specific scope or goal (region, subject, discipline, method) to join the ADHO community. This is a mutual recognition; it has no financial consequences and does not give access to representation in ADHO’s bodies.

We believe that this status may be of interest to some of your organizations. If this is the case, or if you have questions about whether an organization should be admitted as a CO or AfO, contact the Admissions Committee or adho@adho.org.