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ADHO and Humanist

We regret to announce that the formal relationship between the Humanist Discussion Group and ADHO has been dissolved. This change has come at the request of Humanist’s moderator, Prof. Willard McCarty. We are hugely grateful for the enormous service Humanist… Leer más »ADHO and Humanist

COB Changes for 2020-2021

ADHO Leadership for 2020-2021 ADHO operates on the reliance of its volunteers. We are particularly grateful for the Constituent Organizations (COs) that form ADHO and who make it a diverse and engaging organization. Each of these entities has a representative… Leer más »COB Changes for 2020-2021

ADHO Statement on DH2020 and COVID-19

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, in consultation with the DH2020 conference organizers and program committee, is closely following the unfolding international situation regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus).  Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the virus. Because the situation is changing… Leer más »ADHO Statement on DH2020 and COVID-19