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Call for Zampolli Prize 2026

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the 2026 Antonio Zampolli Prize. The Zampolli Prize is a triennial award that recognizes a single output in the field of Digital Humanities by any scholar or… Leer más »Call for Zampolli Prize 2026

DH2027 is in Galway!

ADHO is thrilled to announce that DH2027 will be hosted by the University of Galway in Ireland, June 28-July 3, 2027. More information will be coming soon. Congratulations to the Galway team, especially Raluca Tanasescu, Erin A. McCarthy and Pádraic… Leer más »DH2027 is in Galway!

DH2028: Convocatoria para Sedes

Congreso de Humanidades Digitales 2028 El Comité de Coordinación de Congresos de la Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invita a presentar propuestas para organizar el Congreso de Humanidades Digitales en 2028 (DH2028). El Congreso de Humanidades Digitales (DH) es… Leer más »DH2028: Convocatoria para Sedes

Day of DH 2024

The Day of DH 2024 will take place on Monday, December 2, 2024! The Day of DH is just around the corner, and we invite everyone in the Digital Humanities community to join us for this special event. Organized by… Leer más »Day of DH 2024

DH2027: Convocatoria para Sedes

Congreso de Humanidades Digitales 2027 El Comité de Coordinación de Congresos de la Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invita a presentar propuestas para organizar el Congreso de Humanidades Digitales en 2027 (DH2027). El Congreso de Humanidades Digitales (DH) es… Leer más »DH2027: Convocatoria para Sedes

Redes sociales de DH2025

Los organizadores locales de DH2025 se alegran de lanzar el sitio web de la próxima conferencia de Humanidades Digitales ( y la convocatoria de propuestas ( Bienvenidos a las cuentas de BlueSky ( y Mastodon (@dh2025). El X será anunciado… Leer más »Redes sociales de DH2025

Call for Awards Committee members

ADHO invites nominations and self-nominations for people interested in participating in the ADHO Awards Committee. Purpose: Through its Award Committee, ADHO honors members of the DH community by acknowledging outstanding scholarly, pedagogical, and other contributions in the digital humanities, and… Leer más »Call for Awards Committee members