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Join or Nominate Someone for a Position on the ADHO Executive Board

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) seeks nominations of committed individuals who would like to actively help further DH in all its breadth and diversity for the following volunteer positions (position descriptions below):

  • Communications Officer
  • Deputy Treasurer (Incoming)

All of these positions have a global reach, but involve working closely with small, supportive groups of volunteers, including the ADHO Constituent Organization Board (COB), Executive Board (EB), and a variety of standing committees. Positions are unremunerated and appointed by the COB. 

All terms will begin as soon as possible after 15 November 2023. A description of the roles is below. Members of any of the ADHO Constituent Organizations (COs) are eligible. Interested applicants are highly encouraged to contact, or any of the current office-holders to discuss the nature of these positions. 

We welcome nominations of eligible people from any region of the world, and with a variety of levels of experience in the ADHO community. We encourage graduate students, early career researchers and professionals, and longtime members of the ADHO community to apply.

Applications and Deadline

ADHO Communications Officer

Overview: The Communications Officer is responsible for overseeing the development and effectiveness of ADHO’s public presence. This position involves editorial oversight of the ADHO website and media projects. 

Purpose: The Communications Officer manages ADHO’s various public communications platforms and initiatives and is responsible for facilitating the development and effectiveness of ADHO’s public presence. They coordinate ADHO’s Communications Fellowship program and collaborate with  the Communications Fellows to create and deliver content regarding ADHO business and the annual Digital Humanities conference. They also facilitate ADHO’s participation in public communications via social media, newsletter and email lists, the ADHO website, and other means as deemed appropriate. The Communications Officer reports to the ADHO Executive Board.

Term: The Communications Officer term is three years and may be renewed. In the third year of their term a Deputy Communications officer will be appointed. 


  • To coordinate the development of ADHO’s public image
  • To develop active strategies for strong communication between ADHO and the larger DH world, and for increasing the visibility of all of ADHO’s publications
  • To take initiative in developing opportunities for public statements (e.g. press releases, etc.) about ADHO activities
  • To work closely and actively with the various committee chairs to ensure coordinated communication about ADHO activities taking place within their committees
  • To ensure that information about ADHO news and publicity are made visible on the ADHO web space in a timely way
  • To oversee ADHO’s visibility on social media

ADHO Deputy Treasurer (Incoming)

Purpose: The Treasurer is the financial manager for both ADHO and the ADHO Foundation (ADHO’s legal entity, based in the Netherlands), and is a member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer keeps track of and reports on the budget and advises the Executive and Constituent Organization Boards about financial decisions. The Deputy Treasurer advises and assists the Treasurer as needed, and may act on behalf of the Treasurer when they are unavailable. The Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer manage the financial assets of ADHO. 

Term: This position has a three-year term with the first two years as Deputy Treasurer, and the third year as Treasurer. 

Responsibilities: (in collaboration with the ADHO Treasurer)

  • Reporting regularly on the ADHO budget to the EB, the COB, and governmental institutions as required;
  • Managing ADHO finances and monitoring ADHO accounts and transactions;
  • Conducting analysis and research (e.g., comparing planned and actual budget figures; preparing annual budgets in consultation with the EB; etc.);
  • Engaging in regular EB meetings and communicating both synchronously and asynchronously. (Presence at the annual meeting is desirable but not essential.)