ADHO sponsors Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to enable members across different ADHO Constituent Organizations (COs) to exchange ideas, keep themselves current on pertinent developments, and mobilize in pursuit of related activities and goals. An ADHO SIG is a research or activity grouping of scholars initiated and run by a group of individuals who are members of an ADHO CO and who share a self-defined ‘special interest’ within the areas of scholarship in which ADHO and its COs are active. In this way, SIGs represent key elements in the breadth and depth of the ADHO community, though they do not speak directly for ADHO, its committees, or its COs.
Learn more here about forming a SIG.
Current Special Interest Groups
ADHO currently sponsors the following SIGs:
- AVinDH
- DH Pedagogy and Training
- DHTech
- DH-WoGeM
- GeoHumanities
- Global Outlook::Digital Humanities(GO::DH)
- Libraries and Digital Humanities
- Linked Open Data
- Multilingual Digital Humanities (SIG Multilingual DH)
The ADHO SIG Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities (SIG AVinDH) is a venue for exchanging knowledge, expertise, methods, and tools by scholars who make use of audio/visual data types such sa audio, video and/or (moving) images. The community facilitates communication and interaction between researchers from various disciplines including domains such as history, media studies, musicology, and visual culture studies.
- Visit the AvinDH website: https://avindhsig.wordpress.com/
- Subscribe to the AVinDH mailing list.
DH Pedagogy and Training
Our focus lies on bringing together those colleagues with interests in DH pedagogy and training (practical and theoretical) and its implementation (inflected courses, institutes, programs, etc.) with the goals of documenting shared concerns, establishing the scope of existing efforts and defining and pursuing the benefits which could be realized through international and cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Recognizing that curricular needs and opportunities differ widely from region to region, the SIG is open and supportive of digital (humanities’) pedagogy in a very broad sense.
- The DH Training Network is closely affiliated with the stakeholders of the SIG: https://dhsi.org/dh-training-network/
- Subscribe to the DH Training and Pedagogy SIG mailing list.
DHTech is an international community of Digital Humanities software engineers and people doing technical work in DH born in 2017 in Montreal. It aims to support the development and reuse of software in DH. As tools and services specifically designed for the Digital Humanities are increasingly computationally sophisticated, DHTech works on the development of an infrastructure for collaboration and cooperation in the field. Members of the group are software developers, scholars with programming expertise and project managers. Anyone involved in the creation and maintenance of such tools is invited to join.
- Visit the DHTech website: https://dh-tech.github.io/#/
- To join DHTech’s Slack channel and subscribe to the low-volume announcements mailing list, visit https://dh-tech.github.io/join.

DH-WoGeM (Women & Gender Minorities) provides a mailing list for discussion of issues relevant to being a woman or gender minority in digital humanities. The group also organizes “conversations” (video chats via Zoom) around specific issues, and develops white papers and other resources for advocacy.
Digital Literary Studies (SIG-DLS)
Founded in 2017 under the name “Digital Literary Stylistics”, the SIG-DLS facilitates inter- and transdisciplinary interaction between different fields of “Digital Literary Studies,” including digital hermeneutics, stylometry, and other branches of corpus and computational literary studies. Our aim is to foster novel empirical findings, methodological and epistemological innovation, as well as advocacy and networking. The SIG is interdisciplinary by nature.
- Visit the DLS website: https://dls.hypotheses.org
- Subscribe to the DLS mailing list.
- Read the full SIG-DLS proposal.

The goals of the GeoHumanities SIG focuses on spatial, spatial-temporal and “placial” perspectives in the digital humanities. The aim of this group is to create a venue for pooling knowledge and best practices for relevant existing digital tools and methods, to foster the collaborative development of shared resources and new tools and extensions to geospatial software, and to keep humanist scholars at large informed about the possibilities and inherent potential challenges in their use.
- Visit the GeoHumanities website: http://geohumanities.org/?page_id=2
- Follow the GeoHumanities SIG on Twitter: @GeoHum_SIG
- Subscribe to the GeoHumanities SIG mailing list.

Global Outlook::Digital Humanities(GO::DH)
[English | Español | Chinese/中文]
GO::DH is a Community of Interest whose purpose is to help break down barriers that hinder communication and collaboration among researchers and students of the Digital Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage sectors in High, Mid, and Low Income Economies.
- Visit the GO::DH website: http://www.globaloutlookdh.org/
- Follow GO::DH on Twitter: @GlobalOutlookDH
- Subscribe to the GO::DH mailing list
- Follow the GO::DH Facebook page
- See the announcement about the creation of GO::DH

Libraries and Digital Humanities
The ADHO Libraries and DH Special Interest Group aims to foster collaboration and communication among librarians and other scholars doing digital humanities work.
- Visit the Libraries and DH website: https://adholibdh.github.io/
- Follow the Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG on Twitter: @LibsDH
- Subscribe to the LibsDH SIG mailing list
- Read the SIG proposal
Linked Open Data (DH-LOD)
Linked Open Data conveys the idea of the Web as platform for loosely-coupled, distributed services that offer data in an accessible, open way, following the Linked Data principles as described by Tim Berners-Lee.
A large number of digital humanities (DH) projects generate data. When this data is published as LOD, both scholars and machines are able to combine data from different projects, creating new datasets for research. DH is making extensive use of open source software and open access venues for publication. The same reasons for releasing research reporting and software products under open licenses — transparency, serendipity and social responsibility — should encourage us to release our research data as LOD as well.
The mission of the ADHO LOD SIG is to bridge between the DH community and the semantic web community, encouraging and facilitating the interconnection and interoperability of open online Humanities resources by raising awareness of new developments (both content and technology) and discussing and developing best practices. The SIG encourages membership from all fields and all regions of the globe.
- Visit the LOD SIG website: http://digitalhumanities.org/lod/
- Follow the LOD SIG on Twitter: @dh_lod
- Subscribe to the LOD SIG mailing list
Multilingual Digital Humanities (SIG Multilingual DH)
The human condition is one of multilingualism. We speak different languages, use dialects or sociolects and communicate in a variety of ways in their professional and everyday lives. Sometimes we share a language with people across geographic distances and sometimes we do not understand our direct neighbours. Yet, the Anglophone-centricity of digital humanities continues to be an impediment to DH scholars who work on, or teach with, materials in other languages—not to speak of the vast majority of scholars whose first language isn’t English or who do not work in English at all. Tools and tutorials are almost all designed to primarily work with English.
The SIG Multilingual DH is an important piece of the larger puzzle of global DH. It will serve as a visible, ADHO-sponsored community for DH practitioners working in non-English languages, with scripts other than the Latin alphabet, and character encodings beyond ASCII-compatibility. We will share tools, resources and advice, and gather both virtually and in person to form a community.
– Subscribe to the SIG Multilingual DH mailing list
– Visit the website: http://multilingualdh.org/en/
– Read the full SIG proposal
How to Form an ADHO Special Interest Group
ADHO invites all members of Constituent Organizations to propose a Special Interest Group. The pertaining protocol is currently being updated. In the meantime, please direct any enquiries to the ADHO SIG liaison.