The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) makes bursary awards to students and early career scholars who have submissions accepted for presentation at the annual Digital Humanities international conference. These awards are to encourage new contributions to scholarship in the digital humanities and to involve new participants in the application of information technology in humanities research. Both paper and poster submissions qualify for consideration.
Please refer to the protocol and to each year’s call for proposals for details.
Overview | Recipients | Protocol
Note that in order to open and complete the application form, you must be logged into a Google account.
The bursaries are meant for early career scholars presenting at the conference. Any (co-)author of a long or short paper, panel, or poster taking part in the presentation at the conference is eligible if
- they do not have a graduate degree or PhD, OR if the degree or the PhD is awarded less than five years before the opening date of the conference,
- AND they have not presented at the ADHO conference more than once before,
- AND they have not received a bursary from ADHO previously.
If two or more co-authors of the same presentation are qualified, they may make a joint application and share the award.
The call for bursary applications for a conference will be available when the notification of acceptance for conference papers have been sent out. Once the deadline stated in the call has passed the committee will evaluate the proposals received, make the selection, and inform all applicants of the result by providing some feedback.
Winning applications are chosen by a review panel constituted by the ADHO Standing Committee on Awards, based on the scholarly quality of the applicants’ submissions and the CVs they attach to their bursary applications as well as the committee’s intention to choose applications that represent a diverse applicant pool. The panel may also request additional documentation to support the application or prove eligibility, when necessary.
A diverse applicant pool is defined in terms of gender, nationality, language, or other characteristics representative of a global constituency. It is the responsibility of the committee to work actively to encourage different perspectives in the applicant pool through outreach or other appropriate actions.
The committee will attempt to recruit a diverse pool of applicants for bursaries to ensure a wide representation across diversity parameters as they are exemplified above. In selecting winners, the committee shall keep in mind the desirability of ensuring diversity in opinion, experience and representation.
The recipients receive a cash award of € 550 to help defray expenses incurred in attending the conference such as the conference registration, airline/train fare, lodging, and meals paid by the recipient. Recipients are encouraged to seek additional funding as the bursaries will usually not cover the full expenses of the conference. Recipients travelling intercontinentally may ask for an additional sum of up to € 300 to help them cover the higher cost of travel. Certificates are presented at the Conference Banquet, which winners are invited to attend free of charge, as guests of ADHO. The funds will be transferred to the recipient’s bank account after the conference.
It is the responsibility of each bursary winner to write a short text (minimum 150 words) either about her or his research or offering reflections on her or his experiences from the conference. These texts will be used in ADHO’s outreach activities as seen appropriate, giving due credits to the authors.