Who is ADHO? In CoreDH, you can listen to and read interviews with representatives from ADHO’s Constituent Organizations: learn about our organizations, their major projects and challenges, as well as individual members’ research. This series was prepared by Erdal Ayan and Anna Sofia Lippolis (Communications Fellows) with Hannah L. Jacobs (Communications Officer).
Episode 1: Evelyn Gius, DHd
In this episode we hosted Evelyn Gius from Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen raum (DHd) and talked about digital humanities growing international, current challenges and projects.
Episode 3: Menno van Zaanen, DHASA
In this episode, we hosted Professor Menno van Zaanen. We talked about his work with the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA), activities/projects they organize, and digital humanities in southern Africa.
Episode 5: Nadezhda Povroznik, CenterNet
In this episode we hosted Dr. Nadezhda Povroznik from CenterNet. We talked about CenterNet, DH Community, research paths, digital cultural heritage, virtual museums and technologies used.
Episode 2: Jennifer Isasi & Lorena Gauthereau, ACH
In this episode we hosted two experts from The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) Dr. Jennifer Isasi and Dr. Lorena Gauthereau. We talked about ACH, digital archives, data curation and digital tools for research in DH.
Episode 4: Jonathan Girón Palau, Red_HD
In this episode we hosted Jonathan Girón Palau from La Red de Humanidades Digitales (Red_HD) and talked about his role, motivation and work in DH as well as DH organization/community he is working for.
Episode 6: Glen Layne-Worthey, ADHO
In this episode we hosted Glen Layne-Worthey, former Chair of the ADHO Executive Board (2021-2023). We talked about the origins, values and challenges of ADHO, different pathways into the DH community, leadership, diversity and hot topics such as AI ethics/copyright and machine learning methods (NLP and LLMs) and their use in digital library collections. Enjoy!
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