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Updates from centerNet

centerNet’s nominations committee prepared a balanced ballot based on geography, gender and language for the centerNetInternational Executive Council elections, currently in process.  The Nominations committee members were Jean Bauer (Chair, Princeton Claire Clivaz (UNIL Charles Muller (U of Tokyo Walter Scholger (Graz) and Paul Spence (KCL).   centerNet’s website… Read More »Updates from centerNet

CSDH/SCHN 2015 Outstanding Achievement Award for Computing in the Arts and Humanities

The Canadian Society of Digital Humanities/Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN) has announced the 2015 Outstanding Achievement Award for Computing in the Arts and Humanities winner is Dr. Chad Gaffield, Professor of History and University Research Chair in Digital Scholarship at… Read More »CSDH/SCHN 2015 Outstanding Achievement Award for Computing in the Arts and Humanities