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DH2016 Conference Bibliography

From Digitization to Knowledge 2016: Resources and Methods for Semantic Processing of Digital Works/Texts, Proceedings of the Workshop, Kraków, Poland, July 11, 2016.

Kestemont, M., J. Stover, M. Koppel, K. Karsdorp, W. Daelemans. “Authenticating the writings of Julius Caesar.” Expert Systems with Applications 63 (2016): pp. 86–96.

Proceedings of the 3rd HistoInformatics Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics 2016) co-located with Digital Humanities 2016 conference (DH 2016), Kraków, Poland, July 11, 2016.

Rubio-Campillo, Xavier, iza Romanowska, Jonas Alcaina. “Introduction to Simulation: Complex social dynamics in a few lines of code.”

Semantic Historical Gazetteers: A Place for Places – Papers from the DH2016 GeoHumanities SIG Workshop. Kraków, Poland, July 11, 2016.

Van Hulle, D., and M. Kestemont. “Periodizing Samuel Becket’s Works: A Stylochronometric Approach.” Style 60:2 (2016), 172-202.

Wagner, Andreas. “What’s in a URI? Part I: The School of Salamanca, the Semantic Web and Scholarly Referencing.” The School of Salamanca. November 15, 2016.