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ADHO is administered by several committees, including standing committees, ad hoc committees, and sub-committees. Read more about the governance structure. Select a committee below to see a list of current officers, representatives, and other volunteers.


View a list of past committees and volunteers here.

The Constituent Organization Board and Executive Board are responsible for the general oversight and administration of the Alliance. They include representatives from each of ADHO’s Constituent Organizations, as well as the ADHO Secretary, Treasurer, and other officers.

The Admissions Committee is responsible for advising on the admission of new organizations into ADHO as either (a) a Constituent Organization or (b) an Affiliated Organization.

The Awards Committee is responsible for the awards ADHO gives to recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to the Digital Humanities.

The Conference Coordinating Committee is responsible for developing, improving and maintaining the ADHO conference protocol and accompanying guidelines, and overseeing the annual conference.

The Communications Team advises on ADHO’s overall communications strategies and manages public communications channels via the ADHO website, social media, and related email lists. They also provide guidance on how to improve its web site, social media presence, and visibility as an inclusive, diverse organization.

The Infrastructure Committee is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a web infrastructure that can be shared by all ADHO COs, with a particular focus on stability, affordability, and sustainability across shared and distributed services.

The Multi-Lingualism & Multi-Culturalism Committee is responsible for developing and promoting policies in ADHO and its constituent organizations that will help our community to become more linguistically and culturally inclusive.

The Program Committee oversees the program of the annual Digital Humanities conference, and is reconstituted for each conference.

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Liaison and cohort of conveners help coordinate the activities of ADHO’s many SIGs, and to advocate for their needs.

Communicating with ADHO Leadership

While ADHO formally represents the members of its COs, anyone in the DH community can contact ADHO leadership by emailing Our Communications team may also share questions and comments received via ADHO social media accounts with the EB, COB, or relevant committee chairs where appropriate. ADHO welcomes any communication from the DH community, especially substantive feedback on any matter related to its activities. As a global alliance, we are not usually able to comment on topics of regional or national importance. In such cases, we encourage direct communication with the relevant CO.

Please be aware that responses often require consultation with multiple stakeholders, and we take extra care to ensure everyone has an opportunity to offer feedback before ADHO responds. Given the physical distances involved, the volunteer nature of our work, and the importance of sensitivity to cultural differences within our global organization, this decision-making process may need substantive discussions and thus can take time. While we aim to acknowledge communications received within a week, this may take longer during ADHO conferences or over holiday periods. We appreciate your patience and understanding in awaiting full responses.